October - Essays in Honor of Jay Leyda, No. 11, Winter 1979

Regular price $15.00

Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson and Douglas Crimp (Editors). 
Essays in Honor of Jay Leyda, No. 11, Winter 1979.

MIT Press for the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies.
165 pages.

Very good.
Unobtrusive creasing and wear to covers. 

Essays in Honor of Jay Leyda.

Walker Evan's Message from the Interior: A Reading by Alan Trachtenberg. 
Dr. Crase and Mr. Clair by Annette Michelson. 
Mikhail Kaufman: An Interview. 
Film's Institutional Mode of Representation and the Soviet Response by Noël Burch. 
Image and Title in Avant-Garde Cinema by P. Adams Sitney. 
El Lissitzky: Reading Lessons by Yve-Alain Bois. 
Stieglitz/ Equivalents by Rosalind Krauss. 
Jay Leyda: A Portfolio of Photographs.
A Brief Chronology. 
A Bibliography.