Paik, Nam June and Godfrey, John - Global Groove poster

Regular price $100.00

Nam June Paik and John Godfrey.
Global Groove.

New York: WNET, 1974. 
Single sheet poster.
19 x 13"

Poster advertising a screening of Global Groove on WNET TV,
a collaborative video by Nam June Paik and John Godfrey.

Global Groove was a whirlwind multi-media piece that
has since become widely acclaimed as one of the most
influential works in video art.

Designed by Jim McWilliams,
the poster features a photograph of Charlotte Moorman
and Nam June Paik, taken by Peter Moore.

“Starring in order of appearance:
Pamela Sousa, Ken Urmstom,
Allen Ginsberg, Peggy Lombard,
Susan Bottoms,
Charlotte Moorman, Alan Shulman,
Jud Yalkut, Sun Ock Lee,
Cecilia Sandovar &
John Cage”.