Various - Social Text 52-53: Queer Transexions of Race, Nations, and Gender

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Social Text 52-53: Queer Transexions of Race, Nations, and Gender

Duke University Press Books, 1997. 
289 pages. 
Backcover by Del LaGrace. 

Very good. Minor edge wear. 


Queer Transexions of Race, Nation, and Gender:
An Introduction by Phillip Brian Harper and
Anne McClintock and José Esteban Muñoz
and Trish Rosen.

Gay Male Identities, Personal Privacy, and
Relations of Public Exchange: Notes on Directions
for Queer Critique by Phillip Brian Harper.

Out Here and Over There: Queerness and Diaspora
in Asian American Studies by David L. Eng.

Educating Desire: Thailand, Transnationalism, and
Transgression by Rosalind C. Morris.

"The White to Be Angry": Vaginal Davis's Terrorist Drag
by José Esteban Muñoz.

Mackdaddy, Superfly, Rapper: Gender, Race, and
Masculinity in the Drag King Scene by Judith Halberstam.

A Man in the House: The Boyfriends of Brazilian Travesti
Prostitutes by Don Kulick.

Queer Comrades: Winnie Mandela and the Moffies 
by Rachel Holmes.

Cultures and Carriers: "Typhoid Mary" and the Science
of Social Control by Priscilla Wald.

One Percent on the Burn Chart: Gender, Genitals,
and Hermaphrodites with Attitude 
by David Valentine and Riki Anne Wilchins.

Leatherdyke Boys and Their Daddies: How to Have Sex
without Women or Men by C. Jacob Hale. 

A Response to C. Jacob Hale by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

AIDS, the Problem of Representation, and Plurality
in Derek Jarman's Blue by Tim Lawrence.

Merely Cultural by Judith Butler. 

Heterosexism, Misrecognition, and Capitalism:
A Response to Judith Butler by Nancy Fraser.